Thursday, 17 May 2018

17. Duckworth Lewis Stern Method

QSDCA Management Committee declined to support this (May 2018).
ABM Update 10-Jun-2018

Currently we use average run rate to decide results in limited over matches curtailed by rain.

Modern (Duckworth Lewis Stern) DLS apps for mobile computers are available which offer a practical way to decide such results in an attractive way.


Historically there aren't very many results decided in this way in QSDCA, so the need is low. (Are there any figures on this?)

This has been resisted in the past due to perceived complexity of DLS methods.

If the computers and a suitable, agreed and accepted, reliable app is available then there seems very little in the way of doing this.

So what about the computers?
What about the apps?
What about the reliability and use of them?

Should we roll computer scoring into this also?

There is some "technofear" about app based scoring and any 'magic' software that 'eats' cricket scores and produces curious results. That is not as big a problem as the chance of easily making mistakes, I reckon.

This is from the South East Qld Cricket Webb Shield and Plunkett Cup Playing Conditions 2017/18.

S.E.Q.C. DLS Playing Condition 2017-18

"16.3 Delayed or Interrupted Matches - Calculation of the Target Score utilising “Duckworth-Lewis Method”

If, due to suspension of play (including abandonment of a match) after the start of the match, the number of overs in the innings of the team batting second has to be revised to a lesser number than originally allotted (minimum 15 overs in preliminary matches and 20 overs in the final), then a revised target score (to win) should be set for the number of overs which the team batting second will have the opportunity of facing.

This revised target is to be calculated using the “Standard Edition” of the Duckworth-Lewis method. This will not give exactly the same answer as the 'Professional Edition' that is used in professional matches. (Use of the Professional Edition requires proprietary software which is not yet available to the general public.) However, this application will provide a good indicator of the state of play in a match, and the Standard Edition is valid in non-professional matches (or where the professional software is not available). In the rare event of a software device being unavailable or software failure is encountered, manual calculation using a calculator and a hard copy of the method can be utilised.

Due to the size of the “full” explanation and the “tables” contained in the Standard Duckworth-Lewis Method, a copy is NOT included in these set of rules.

There are many internet resources available to scorers & officials for the download to their PC, laptop, android tablet or iphone. of the Standard Duckworth-Lewis Method calculator, hardcopy including ‘over-by-over’ & ‘ball-by-ball’ tables.

(i) The following website is a suggestion for the free download of an up-to-date accurate “Standard” Duckworth-Lewis Method Calculator.

 (ii) The following website is a suggestion for a hard copy download of an up-to-date accurate “Standard” Duckworth-Lewis Method explanation & a copy of the tables.

Be aware of bogus & insecure websites."

The DLS method is not well described. It seems somewhat "do what you like". If the two team scorers each try a method they have 'discovered' and get different answers then how is the correct result determined.

This could become a nightmare...
But we might get somewhere by testing some of these rules against some match case histories.

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