ABM 1-Jul-2018
The new Laws of Cricket (2017 Code) have some changes in the sections about players leaving the field.
Laws of Cricket 24.2, 24.3 and 25.3 are the relevant laws.
Briefly there is a new concept known as "Penalty Time" which prevents fielders who are off the field during play from both bowling or batting immediately when they return.
To deal with this early last season QSDCA issued a statement to patch up our playing regulations to be square with this.Here's a link to the QSDCA Penalty Time laws Statement
The statement made hastily at the start of the last season is complicated and difficult to comprehend. It also has some errors.
Also many people seem unclear on the actual regulations. (Sat 9.21 and Sunday 24)
QSDCA cricket consists of non-professional competitions meant for people with real lives. It is too restrictive on players to insist on this type of law since our players are subject to traffic, family responsibility, work, illness and other 'symptoms' of life. We do not want players, teams or matches curtailed by this rule.
The time has come to update Sat Reg 9.21 and Sunday Reg 24 formally. There is no equivalent law in Super 20 Regs. Conceivably it should be added to Super 20 Regulations.
This is the statement made by the Management Committee on 12-Sept-2017.
"For season 2017/18 Qld Sub Districts Cricket will not be adopting: Law 24.2 Fielder absent or leaving the field of play and Law 24.3 Penalty Time Not incurred. and Law 25.3 Restriction on batsman commencing an innings Playing Regulation 9.21 will apply to players late for the start of play. This playing condition will apply in a similar manner to any fielder who leaves the field during play. When a fielder leaves the field during the course of the match, his captain will inform the umpire or opposition captain and by doing so his rights to continue play when he returns are not restrained. Players who leave the field will not be restricted from batting in any following innings. This statement applies to all cricket competitions managed by QSDCA in 2017/18 season. Note: Other parts of Law 24 (2017) (namely 24.1 Substitute fielders (can now wicketkeep with umpire's consent) and 24.4 Players returning without permission (subject to 5 run penalty) will still apply. Note: Batsman retiring is now governed by Law 25.4 (2017 Code). It is effectively unchanged from the 2015 Code. Note: These changes and the non-adoption of new Law 42 mean that QSDCA Playing Condition 9.21.5 does not apply." |
This new version covers "absence" which describes both the situation that applies to players arriving late for the start of play and those who leave part way through the day's play (due to injury or other unavoidable cause). Also it specifies the New Laws which are not applying.
Saturday Regulations
(Sunday Reg 24 will be the same
except for the numbering.
A similar regulation can be included in Super 20.)
PLAYERS LATE FOR START OF PLAY Preamble: Since this is a competition is for amateur players the association will not strictly enforce the late player rules. |
Because QSDCA provides a
competition for amateur players, the association will not strictly
enforce the Penalty Time Laws.
Players, captains and umpires are encouraged
to communicate openly so as to not restrain any absent player's right
to play.
9.21 Law 24.2.2 (2017 Code) will be replaced by the following clauses: |
Law 24.2 Fielder absent or leaving the field of play, Law 24.3
Penalty time not incurred and Law 25.3 Restriction on batsman
commencing an innings (2017 Code)will
not apply and will be replaced by the following:
An absent player means any player listed on the Team List for the
current day's play who is not present or unable to take part in the
match during playing hours.
Fielding team player absences fall into two categories: players late
for the start of play and players who leave the field during play.
Batting team player absences also fall into similar categories but
late batters can be replaced by other players in the batting lineup
and batters who leave during play will remain subject to Batsman
retiring Law 25.4 (2017 Code).
9.21.1 If the captain of a batting or a fielding side is aware that a player is going to arrive late for a reason declared as unavoidable (such as heavy traffic, car breakdown, illness in the family, work commitments, etc), the captain will advise the umpire of the players name and the reason for arriving late prior to the start of play. |
The absent player's captain
will advise the umpire of the player's name and the reason for
absence prior
to the start of play or as soon as practical.
9.21.2 If no umpire is present, then the captain will advise the opposing captain prior to the start of play. |
If no umpire is present, the absent player's captain
will advise the opposing captain.
Acceptable reasons for player absences include illness, injury or any
other unavoidable cause such as heavy traffic, car breakdown, family
illness, work commitments.
9.21.3 Subject to the above procedure being followed, the player will not be prevented from bowling immediately on arrival or batting at the fall of the next wicket. |
to the above procedure being followed, the absent
fielding team player
will not be prevented from bowling immediately on
return to the field (subject to any other relevant laws of cricket).
Fielders who leave the field will not be restricted from batting in
any following innings.
9.21.4 If the above procedure is not followed (such as the reason for late arrival of the player does not fall into an "unavoidable issues" category as shown in 9.21.1) then: |
If the above procedure is not followed …..
| The late player may not be permitted to bowl until that player has been on the field for at least the length of playing time for which they were absent. |
absent fielding team player
will not be permitted to bowl until that player has been on the field
for at least the length of playing time for which they were absent.
| The late player can bat at the fall of the next wicket. |
absent batting team player
can bat at the fall of the next wicket.
| For example, match commences at 1.00pm, player arrives late at 1.30pm with no advice from captain prior to start of play. |
example, match commences at 1.00pm, absent fielding
team player
arrives late at 1.30pm with no advice from captain prior to start of
| The late player cannot bowl until 2.00pm because of the 30 minutes that they were late. |
absent fielding team player
cannot bowl until 2.00pm because of the 30 minutes that they were
9.21.5 Note the restrictions of penalty time elsewhere in Law 24 and Law 42 still apply. |
Other parts of Law 24 (2017 Code) (namely 24.1 Substitute fielders
and 24.4 Player returning without permission) will still apply.
Adam Brady writes:
ReplyDeletePenalty time for Player absence.
Under 9.21.4 I think we might need to be careful in using the word “replace” in case some interpret this incorrectly as a getting a replacement player. All we are trying to say in 9.21.4 is that the retiring law applies if you leave whilst you are batting.
Does the propos(ed change)sound better:
BEFORE 9.21.3 Fielding team player absences fall into two categories: players late for the start of play and players who leave the field during play
AFTER 9.21.3 Player absences fall into two categories: players late for the start of play and players who leave the game during play
BEFORE 9.21.4 Batting team player absences also fall into similar categories but late batters can be replaced by other players in the batting lineup and batters who leave during play will remain subject to Batsman retiring Law 25.4 (2017 Code).
AFTER 9.21.4 A Not Out Batsman who leaves the game during their current innings will remain subject to Batsman retiring Law 25.4 (2017 Code).
Also, with the below, we should clearly make mention of both absent bowling and batting team players entering the game.
BEFORE 9.21.8 Subject to the above procedure being followed, the absent fielding team player will not be prevented from bowling immediately on return to the field (subject to any other relevant laws of cricket).
AFTER 9.21.8 Subject to the above procedure being followed, the absent fielding team player will not be prevented from bowling immediately on return to the field (subject to any other relevant laws of cricket) and the absent batting team player will not be prevented from batting at the fall of the next wicket (subject to any other relevant laws of cricket)
Perhaps the above could be renumbered and split out into absent fielding team player and absent batting team player.
Perhaps a discussion for another day … there is no difference to the absent batting team player being able to bat at the fall of the next wicket irrespective of whether they have followed the procedure or not, but there is consequences for the absent bowling team player.
ABM replies:
ReplyDeleteThe word 'replace' - sage advice, thankyou. I really should be more sensitive to this one!
In 9.21.1 the word replace refers directly to Laws of Cricket (ok)
In 9.21.4 ... err, yeah problem... this needs to be fixed. Your guess about Batters retiring and Law 25.4 is correct.
In 9.21.15 the word substitute is quoted as part of another Law of Cricket (ok)
The structure of the regulation is:
Preamble .. attitude setting
9.21.1 Precisely what Laws are being suspended.
9.21.2/3/4 Definitions
9.21.5/6/7/8/9 Procedure (what's meant to happen)
9.21.10/11/12/13/14 Procedure (what to do when notification steps are not followed)
9.21.15 Spells it out that other parts of Law 24 still apply
9.21.3 and 9.21.4 are actually redundant and can be removed entirely. I was considering deleting these but...
The reason they're left in was probably something like defining the difference between fielder absence and batter absence (like in the new Laws of Cricket (see Law 24 and 25)) so that if new rules about either are desired then they can be written.
Losing those definitions ("Fielding team absent player" and "Batting team absent player") means 9.21.8 can be like you suggested but a little shorter.
NEW 9.21.8 Subject to the above procedure being followed and any other relevant laws of cricket, on return to the field the absent player can bowl immediately and can bat at the fall of the next wicket.
'Absent fielding team player' = 'absent player'
'may not be permitted to bowl' = 'can bowl'
Long compound sentence rearranged and similar phrases grouped together.
9.21.11 can be shorter also
NEW 9.21.11 The absent player will not be permitted to bowl until that player has been on the field for at least the length of playing time for which they were absent.
9.21.12 can be changed.
NEW 9.21.12 The absent player can bat at the fall of the next wicket (subject to any other relevant laws of cricket).
No split renumbering required. Just move everything 9.21.5 and greater back 2.
You wrote "Perhaps a discussion for another day … there is no difference to the absent batting team player being able to bat at the fall of the next wicket irrespective of whether they have followed the procedure or not, but there is consequences for the absent bowling team player."
Yes quite correct. This is the same as the previous rules. It was unstated for the absent batting team player however but here in this new version 9.21.12 is added for clarity.
Another idea I have just had is to put a heading above 9.21.10 which reads NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE NOT FOLLOWED so it's clear that the following regulations apply to that situation. It lessens the likelihood that 9.21.8 and 9.21.11 will not mistakenly be read as contradictory.
These changes are good improvements.